Have you or a loved one been injured in a slip or trip and fall accident and need an experienced Jonesboro lawyer?
Our Jonesboro, Clayton County accident attorneys specialize in slip and trip and fall injury cases. Located on N. Main Street in Jonesboro, Since 1993 we have been helping people recover compensation after injuries from falls caused by negligent property owners and managers.
We handle both slip-and-fall claims as well as trip-and-fall claims. Both types of incidents generally arise from negligence, however, require very different types of legal analysis. In a slip and fall case you must usually prove the responsible party failed to inspect an area and clean up a slippery substance. In a trip and fall case, you may need to prove that the owner knew of a dangerous condition, like a loose brick paver or broken sidewalk, and failed to take reasonable steps to fix the dangerous hazard. The Millar Law Firm has extensive experience with both types of cases.
Our consultations are free. Give us a call today at 770-400-0000 to have your case analyzed by one of our expert injury lawyers.
Table of Contents
Why you need a local and experienced slip or trip and fall lawyer:
If you slip or trip and fall (premises liability), it’s important to call for help right away. You might not be able win your case if merchant knew about dangerous condition but didn’t warn customers like proper lookout signs that were present in their stores; even though they should have had an idea from previous accidents involving similar hazards.
A lawyer or law firm located many miles away from Jonesboro or Clayton County may lack the time, investigator or staff resources necessary to immediately investigate your case. We have over 31 years’ experience in handling slip and trip and fall accidents. In addition, most of our legal staff has, on average, more than 10 years of experience in investigating and handling premises liability cases.
Slip and Trip and Fall Injury Resources
Gathering and preserving evidence needs to be done quickly. Your investigative team must be able to spring into action – claims notices, spoliation (preservation of evidence) letters must be sent, photographs and measurements taken, and witnesses interviewed quickly. Before you hire a law firm, ask whether the firm has the expertise and resources to get these things done promptly.
The Millar Law Firm regularly investigates and handles slip / trip and fall cases across South Atlanta and can investigate your case promptly before important evidence disappears. We can get you the help that you need by quickly investigating and preserving the evidence necessary to win your injury case.
What is Georgia Premises Liability Law and How Does it Apply to a Slip or Trip and Fall Case?
You may have heard the term “Georgia premises liability case” when researching lawyers for your slip or trip and fall case. Premises liability is the category of tort law that includes slip and trip and fall claims and lawsuits. Generally speaking, to prove a premises liability case one must prove that the manager or owner of the property knew or should have known of the hazard and failed to act to fix or clean up the dangerous condition or substance. You also need to show that you were exercising ordinary care to avoid slipping or tripping and falling on the defect or hazard.
Proving that the manager or owner of the premises knew of the danger and failed to act can be shown through prior incidents, inspection records, or the passage of time. Just because an incident happened on someone else’s property does not automatically mean that they are responsible for injuring you. First, you must prove that the owner knew or should have known of the problem and had time to clean it up, or to repair. Then, you must prove that you did not know of the hazard yourself before falling – this is known as having less than equal or superior knowledge.
Is a Property Owner or Manager Automatically Responsible If I am Hurt on Their Premises?
Not necessarily. In Georgia a property owner or manager’s duty is to take steps to make thier premises reasonably safe, but he or she is not a guarantor of your safety just because you are on their property. You must still prove that the responsible party had superior knowlege of the defect and failed to fix the issue before you fell.
Why is it important to quickly investigate a Georgia slip or trip and fall incident?
First, it is important to request that a merchant or property owner preserve any records of the accident such as incident reports or surveillance video. Many companies have a policy of recording over video in less than 30 days. If you have not requested that a store preserve its video recordings, they may be gone forever. Witnesses should also be interviewed as soon as possible before they move away or forget what happened. It is also an excellent idea to take photographs of the dangerous area or slippery substance, if you have the chance to do so.
While it is important to be proactive, we can help. When you retain The Millar Law Firm we will send requests to the at fault party to preserve the evidence needed to pursue your case.
How long do I have to make Georgia slip or trip and fall personal injury claim?
In Georgia you have up to two years to settle your personal injury claim, including slip and trip and fall claims. If you have not settled within two years, you must file a lawsuit before the two year anniversary of the incident or your case will be barred. This is known as the Georgia Statute of Limitations.
We encourage anyone who may have a trip and fall or slip and fall case to be proactive and get an attorney involved well before the SOL (Statute of Limitations) is approaching. If you wait until the last minute, not only might valuable evidence have disappeared, it may be difficult to find an attorney willing to rush to investigate and file suit.
Jonesboro Injury Lawyers Proving Your Injuries
Injuries caused by a fall must be proven through medical treatment and testimony. Over the past quarter-century our Jonesboro law firm has worked regularly with many local doctors and clinics, with top results. Chances are good that we have worked with your local doctor, therapist or medical office through past cases. Building a reputation of trust and excellence in the local medical community takes time and can be critical to the outcome of your injury case.
What damages and compensation will I be eligible to receive in my Jonesboro or Georgia slip and fall case?
In a slip or trip and fall case, you are entitled to seek to recover you medical bills, lost pay and compensation for pain and suffering. These damages apply to both the past and future. If you suffer from permanent disability or may have lost future earning capacity or future treatment and medical costs, you may be able to recover those as items of your damages.
In Georgia, should I give a recorded statement to an insurance company after a slip or trip and fall?
We do not recommend giving a recorded statment to an insurance adjuster after a slip or trip and fall incident unless advised by an attorney to do so, and generally only in the presence of a lawyer. There are many pitfalls to Georgia premises liability law, and saying the wrong thing during a recorded interview, such as “I’m ok, only shook up” or “I wasn’t thinking about where I was walking,” while innocent, could be fatal to a premises liability case.
If you have been injured, even if you do not know if you will hire a lawyer, we recommend you speak with a personal injury attorney before agreeing to give a statement in any premises liability or slip/trip and fall case.
Experience and Focus: The Personal Injury Cases Handled by Our Jonesboro Attorneys

I am very appreciative of the help I received from Millar Law Firm. The staff was so professional and kind from beginning to end. Everyone I encountered was very kind and attentive to my case. I dealt primarily with Joe Baker who always answered any questions in a timely manner and took the time to explain and address any concerns I had. I highly recommend this firm!

Put Our Legal Reputation to Work for You
Insurance companies and large retail businesses know which law firms in the Jonesboro and Atlanta area are willing to fight hard for their clients, and which firms take the easy settlement money. Because slip and trip and fall cases can be difficult to win, your lawyer’s reputation and ability matters. Bruce Millar’s law firm has been filing claims in South Atlanta for over 31 years and is well known for our competence, professionalism, willingness to fight and for our great results.
Review our case results and client reviews, then put our premises liability legal experience to work for you.