Have you or a family member been bitten, attacked or knocked down and injured by a dog and need a College Park attorney?
The Millar Law Firm’s team of experienced dog bite attorneys is ready to assist you with your College Park, Georgia dog bite or dog attack case. And because we are located near you, if you have been bitten or attacked by a vicious or wandering dog in or near College Park, or anywhere in the Atlanta area, we can investigate and help you immediately.
Our law firm offers a complimentary review of your dog bite injury claim. Call or email us today and speak with an attorney today. We can provide guidance about whether hiring a lawyer would be helpful, what your next steps should be, how the claims process works, and what your case may be worth. All consultations are free of charge and our firm handles dog attacks on a contingency fee basis, which means you don’t pay unless you receive compensation for your injuries.
Call us today at 770-400-0000 for a free case review with an experienced dog bite and attack attorney.
Table of Contents
Determining Liability: Who Is Responsible in the Aftermath of a Dog Bite Accident
If you or a member of your family is bitten by a dog, seeking medical care is extremely important so that the wounds can be properly cared for. Even in dogs that are properly vaccinated, dog bites are still notorious for developing serious infections. They can also lead to other complications, so seeing a physician is recommended.
Your immediate concern should be getting medical help. After that, and depending upon the severity of your injuries and the extent of medical care you require, these tasks are next:
Identify the Dog and Owner: It’s crucial to determine who owns the dog that bit you.This are critical bits of information that must be established.
Report the incident: It’s important to notify local animal control authorities about the dog bite. In reporting the incident, you create an official record of the event. In College Park, calling the Fulton County Animal Service will help you accomplish this.
Document Everything: As with any other accidental injury, keeping detailed records of expenses is key. Because your memory of the incident may fade, it’s also helpful to write a statement of exactly what happened, including the date, the location and the names of witnesses.
Seek Legal Guidance: If you decide to pursue a claim, it’s advisable to consult with a lawyer who specializes in personal injury or dog bite cases. Your legal team will be helpful in guiding you through what can be a challenging process. Knowing your rights and keeping those rights protected is so much easier when you have legal assistance.
Dealing with Dog Bite Liability: Insurance and Legal Options
In most dog bite cases, the main responsibility rests with the dog’s owner, regardless of where the incident occurs. It is the legal obligation of animal owners to properly manage their pets and to prevent them from harming others.
In some cases, the homeowner can be held liable for the incident, particularly when they are negligent in controlling the dog and providing a safe environment for others. It’s crucial to emphasize the homeowner’s responsibility in such situations.
Typically, a homeowner’s insurance policy provides coverage for dog bite attacks under two main areas: liability coverage and medical payments coverage.
Liability coverage: This part of the homeowner’s policy may cover the costs if the dog owner is held legally responsible for a dog bite incident. Liability coverage includes costs for legal defense, potential settlements and/or judgments against the responsible homeowner. Liability coverage can help compensate the injured party for damages such as medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and legal fees, up to the policy’s liability limits.
Medical payments coverage: This coverage is designed to pay for medical expenses incurred by someone who is injured on the homeowner’s property, regardless of whether the homeowner is at fault. Should a dog bite happen on the property of the homeowner, coverage for Medical Payments coverage is meant to cover the injured person’s medical bills, according to the policy limits. This sort of policy and the protection it provides can help to quickly resolve issues around medical expenses and expedite the negotiation process. Coverages and policy limits relating to dog bite events can vary depending upon the insurance carrier and specific policy.
The State of Georgia follows a legal principle called the “one bite rule.” This rule holds that the dog owner may not be held responsible unless they had reason to believe their dog was dangerous. (Meaning, there were no previous incidents or warnings that might signal a dangerous dog.) However, it’s important to note that this rule doesn’t automatically exempt the owner from liability if the dog has never bitten anyone before. If it can be proven that the owner should have been aware of the dog’s tendency to bite, they can still be held accountable for the injuries caused.
College Park, Georgia Animal Control and Leash Laws
College Park Ordinance Sec. 4-9. – Confinement of animals; impounding, disposal, redemption.
Confinement (The “Leash Law”). In the City of College Park, GA, dog owners must confine a dog at all times by one (1) of the following means:
(1) A leash of not more than six (6) feet in length and in the care of a competent person;
(2) Inside an area completely enclosed by a fence sufficient to keep the pet contained therein;
(3) Inside a carrier appropriate for the particular pet; or
(4) Inside a housing or completely enclosed structure.
Tethering. In College Park, dog owners may not tether their dogs. Sec. 4-9- (b)(1) states that it shall be unlawful for the owner, custodian, or harborer of any pet to restrain, or anchor, a pet by means of a tether to any fixed or inanimate object, unless (2) a dog may be temporarily restrained by means of a tether while the dog is attended by its owner, custodian, or harborer who is physically present with the dog.
Electronic confinement. Under College Park Ordinance Sec. 4-9-(c)(1) a dog may be electronically confined when, and if, the equipment is properly maintained, and it is in continuous working order, and the pet to be contained wears the appropriate electronic collar within the system perimeter. A sign, or signs, shall be posted advising that an electronic confinement system is in use on properties using such a system.
College Park Residents Have Affection for Their Canine Companions
College Park is a community that loves its pets. Here, we make pets welcome at parks and green spaces, but also at some public events where leashed dogs are allowed.
Unfortunately, sharing our environment with family pets, while enjoyable, can also present potential risks for dog bites and attacks. Such events are most likely unintentional and unexpected, they can represent significant injuries and physical damage for the victims. That’s why the dog bite lawyers at The Millar Law Firm are available to help you receive the rightful compensation you deserve.
Dog Bites Are a Problem Across the Atlanta Area
The Centers for Disease Control, (CDC,) there are nearly 4.5 million dog bite incidents in the United States every year. Of those, about one in five of the incidents require medical attention.
If you or a family member is the victim of a dog bite incident, it’s a good idea to consult with a personal injury lawyer immediately in order to understand your options.
Dog bite laws in Georgia vary from city to city which makes seeking input from a dog bite specialists like the legal team at The Millar Law Firm especially helpful.
We’ve been successfully handling dog bite cases in the College Park area for decades and are intimately familiar with the ins and outs of dog bite laws here. By consulting with us, you can learn the strength and weaknesses of your claim and, so, understand your options more fully. Knowing what you will be facing can take the stress out of pursuing a dog bite case.
Common Reasons Dogs Act Aggressively and Bite
There are a number of common reasons for dogs to behave aggressively. Here are a few of them:
Lack of Socialization: Dog owners sometimes fail to teach their pets to interact with other humans from the time they are puppies. This lack of socialization can make a dog fearful and aggressive.
Lack of Training: Dogs that aren’t trained may not understand boundaries or appropriate behavior. Proper training teaches the dog what behaviors are not allowed, resulting in an animal who behaves safely and predictably in all situations.
Neglecting to Neuter or Spay: Dogs that aren’t neutered or spayed may be more prone to aggressive behavior. Since these simple surgical procedures serve to stop rampaging hormones, they can eliminate the tendency toward aggression.
Ignoring Warning Signs: Animals often display behaviors that signal increasing discomfort or distress before they bite. If the dog owner doesn’t pat attention to these signals, it may result in aggressive behaviors including biting. Owners should watch for common warning signs like growling, bared teeth, a tucked tail, bristling of hair along the back, and pinned-back ears. Forcing interaction: Forcing a dog to interact with people or other animals when it’s uncomfortable can lead to bites. It’s important to respect a dog’s boundaries and give it space when needed.
Inadequate Supervision of Children: Little people don’t always understand how to interact with dogs, sometimes they can unknowingly provoke a dog to bite. It’s vital to closely supervise interactions between dogs and children to ensure the safety of everyone involved.
Poor Health Care: Dogs who are experiencing pain or discomfort are more inclined to behave aggressively. Dog owners should be diligent in the dog’s veterinary care so that any health issues may be addressed before aggressive behaviors develop.
Where Do Dog Bite Incidents Most Often Occur and Who Is At Risk
Remember, any dog – even the sweetest family pet – is capable of biting and injuring others in some circumstances.
Whether your dog is at home, in a dog park, or at your workplace, situations can develop that will lead the animal to bite. This is especially true for children aged 5 to 9. According to the Centers for Disease Control, the CDC, children in this age group are more likely to experience dog bites over adults. Unfortunately, these incidents and the injuries they cause can be more severe for children for a number of reasons.
First, children’s smaller size and natural curiosity make them more vulnerable. Their faces are often at the same level as a dog’s mouth, and their curiosity can unintentionally provoke a dog by invading its space or pulling its tail.
Secondly, when left unattended with dogs, children may not recognize the warning signs and signals a dog sends before biting. When the child doesn’t move away when there is growling or the baring of teeth, a tragedy can happen.
Dog Owners Are at Higher Risk of Dog Bite Attacks
Regular exercise can help to de-stress and calm a dog down. Fortunately, there are ample areas in the College Park area where dog owners can ensure that their pet has the opportunity to run, play and to expend excess energy.
Proximity and Interaction: As one might expect, time at the dog park creates opportunity for dog owners to come into contact with other, strange dogs. This increased proximity can result in dog bite incidents. Whether the incident is a fight between two dogs, or a dog-to-human attack, the chances of being bitten are increased at the dog park.
Miscommunication and Misunderstanding: We humans don’t always understand the importance of a dog’s body language. Sometimes, a dog owner misinterprets their dog’s behavior or fails to recognize signs of stress or discomfort. When this happens, aggressive behavior can escalate resulting in a biting event.
Protective Behavior: It is instinct for a dog to be protective of their families, including human members. If the animal senses a threat to their humans, a dog may behave aggressively. This protective instinct can be directed at another dog or its owner and lead to a bite.
Handling and Control: All too often, dog owners struggle to handle/control their pet. This is especially true when the dog is insufficiently socialized or trained. Such lack of control will often lead to situations in which aggressive behavior and dog bites occur.
Dog owners must be mindful of their dog’s behavior, body language, and needs. To be a responsible dog owner, you must see to your pet’s socialization and training so that bad behavior can be avoided. Knowing how dogs think, behave, and communicate can avoid future problems.
Delivery Driver and Workplace Dog Attacks and Bites: A Common Occurrence
Some jobs are just naturally more dangerous in terms of potential dog attacks. Here are a few of the most common ones:
Mail Carriers and Delivery Drivers: These workers regularly encounter dogs as a result of their jobs. This means they are often victims of dog attacks.
Home service providers: When a stranger enters a dog’s territory, it may provoke an attack.
Emergency Responders: Police, firefighters, and ambulance personnel often find themselves with a frightened or otherwise excited animal. The animal does not understand the situation and may be attempting to protect its owner, which can cause aggression. Fortunately, these professionals are trained to handle the situation, but this doesn’t prevent the situation from escalating.
In Georgia, if you’ve been injured by a dog while working, you may be entitled to compensation.
Dog Bites Can Have a Significant Impact on Victims’ Physical Health
Any dog will bite when the situation is upsetting, unfamiliar, or threatening in any way. When a dog does bite, it can result in severe injuries, permanent disfigurement and crippling emotional trauma that can impact the victim for a lifetime.
It is essential to take appropriate legal action to ensure dog owners are held responsible for the consequences of their dog’s behavior, particularly in cases of serious injuries or wrongful death. Some common risks with dog bites are these:
Puncture Wounds: Sometimes a puncture wound must be closed with stitches, buteven a little nip from a small dog can lead to problems. If not properly treated, a puncture wound can become infected and other serious complications.
Infection: With a dog bite that breaks the skin, it’s important to see a doctor. Infection is always a serious concern that must be guarded against.
Nerve Damage: When a dog bit penetrates the skin, substantial damage to underlying nerves can be the result. Nerve damage can be permanent.
Scarring: Depending upon the location and severity of the bite, permanent scars can be a terrible consequence and a daily reminder of the trauma.
Facial Injuries: Young children are very often bitten on the face which can be closer to the dog’s teeth. Anyone can suffer facial injuries from dog bites, but youngsters suffer this fate most often.
Wrongful Death: Dog attacks can sometimes be fatal. When they are, it’s important to hold the dog owner accountable.
Experience and Focus: The Personal Injury Cases Handled by Our College Park Attorneys
If you’re seeking more information about legal claims related to dog bites and common insurance issues, the attorneys at The Millar Law Firm are here to help.
Our dog bite lawyers stand ready to help you navigate the process of getting compensated for your injuries and losses related to the attack. We also work on a contingency fee basis, which means you don’t pay unless you receive compensation for your injuries. Make your appointment for a free first consultation today.
Experience and Focus: The Personal Injury Cases Handled by Our College Park Attorneys

This is one of the most professional law firms i have ever worked with. definitely worth all five stars

Contact a College Park Dog Bite Attorney Today
If you or a loved one has experienced significant injuries from a dog attack, Georgia state law allows you to pursue a claim for financial compensation from the dog owner.
If you’re seeking more information about legal claims related to dog bites and common insurance issues, the attorneys at The Millar Law Firm are here to help. Contact us today at 770-400-0000/