How a Car Accident Can Injure Your Knees—And What It Means for Your Georgia Settlement

Suffering a knee injury is tough. Beyond the pain, there are medical bills and questions about what comes next. This guide sheds light on the damage a car accident can do to ones knee. Get informed and tackle your case with confidence.

Key Points:

  • It’s likely your knees will be injured if you’re in a car accident. Afterward, you have to focus on recovery, the medical expenses, and possibly even work with specialists to get your mobility back.

Table of Contents

How Vulnerable Are Knees in a Car Accident?

Car accidents can cause a wide variety of injuries, with your knees being especially susceptible to damage. In front-end collisions, passenger’s knees can slam into the dashboard or the back of the front seats. Even with safety measures, knees can absorb a lot of impact.

The injuries your knees can receive in a car accident range from sprains to fractures and torn ligaments. Sudden impacts can twist the knee and ligaments, while direct hits can break your kneecap or cause deep bruising. This can result in surgeries or extended physical therapy.

What Are Some Typical Knee Sprains and Strains?

During a car accident, the sudden impact can overstretch or even tear the ligaments and muscles, causing knee sprains and strains. If the injury isn’t addressed, you can end up with instability when standing, as well as limited or even lost mobility.

The doctor may suggest you have an MRI to find out the extent of the damage, and possibly refer you to an orthopedic surgeon if the damage is extensive. Depending on the prescribed treatment, it can take weeks or months for you to get back to full functionality.

While strains and sprains aren’t the worst injuries your knees may experience in a car accident, they can still end up costing you hundreds of dollars in medical expenses.

What is an Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Injury?

The ACL helps to stabilize your knee and keep your tibia from sliding out in front of your femur.  In some car accidents, especially during front-end collisions, you can be flung forward. This can force your knee to twist or hyperextend, which in turn can strain or tear the ACL. If you hear a loud pop from your knee and feel immediate pain and swelling, it’s likely you tore your ACL.

As with most knee injuries, a physical exam and MRI will reveal the extent of the damage. Most torn ACLs require surgery and up to a year of recovery time, which includes physical therapy.

The costs of ACL injuries can range from $5,000 to $50,000.

What is a Posterior Cruciate Ligament (PCL) Injury?

The Posterior Cruciate Ligament (PCL) is one of the four major ligaments in the knee. Its primary responsibility is to stabilize the joint and prevent the tibia from moving too far backward. In car accidents, direct force to the bent knee can push the tibia backward and lead to a PCL injury by overstretching or tearing the ligament.

Even though PCL injuries aren’t as common, they can still be incredibly painful and will require medical care. A less severe injury can often be treated with a knee brace and physical therapy. More severe PCL injuries will require surgery and may take up to a year to heal properly. The overall medical costs can range from $5,000 to $40,000.

What is a Medial Collateral Ligament (MCL) Injury?

The Medial Collateral Ligament (MCL) is a ligament on the inner side of the knee. It helps to stabilize the joint and prevent excessive inward movement. In car accidents, a direct blow to the outer part of the knee or severe twisting motion can stretch or tear the MCL.

Like the PCL, an MCL injury can be treated with a brace if the damage isn’t extensive. If surgery is needed, you can expect it to take several months to recover.

What is a Lateral Collateral Ligament (LCL) Injury?

The Lateral Collateral Ligament (LCL) is a ligament on the outer side of the knee that helps to stabilize the joint and prevent excessive outward movement. In a car accident, the LCL can be torn or ruptured, depending on the impact.

As with other ligament injuries, treatments can vary from temporary bracing to invasive surgery.

What is a Meniscus Tear?

The meniscus is a C-shaped cartilage acts as a cushion for the knee joint and aids in joint stability. Meniscus tears happen when the knee is twisted or rotated while being compressed. This type of injury often needs surgery to repair and possibly physical therapy for you to regain full mobility.

What are Knee Fractures?

A knee fracture is a break in any of the bones associated with the knee joint, such as the patella (kneecap), tibia, or femur. In car accidents, direct trauma from the collision or the impact of the knee against hard surfaces inside the vehicle, like the dashboard, can exert enough force to cause these bones to crack or shatter. The severity of the fracture often depends on the force of the accident and the angle of impact.

What is a Knee Dislocation?

A knee dislocation occurs when the bones that form the knee joint – the femur (thighbone) and the tibia (shinbone) – shift out of position. In car accidents, the sudden force can jolt the knee with enough intensity to cause these bones to move out of their natural alignment. These injuries are serious, often damaging surrounding ligaments, blood vessels, and nerves.

What is a Patellar Tendon Tear?

A patellar tendon tear is a rupture of the tendon connecting the kneecap (patella) to the shinbone (tibia), which is essential for straightening the knee and aiding in walking. Forceful leg impacts, especially against a dashboard, can strain or even rupture this tendon. The injury can make it difficult to straighten the knee or walk.

What is Bursitis?

Bursitis of the knee refers to the inflammation of the bursa, a fluid-filled sac that acts as a cushion between tendons, bones, and skin around the joint. Direct trauma or pressure on the knee can cause inflammation of the bursa and leading to pain and swelling. This injury can result in limited movement and tenderness in the affected area.

What are Contusions or Deep Bruises?

Contusions or deep bruises refer to damaged blood vessels under the skin, resulting in localized discoloration and tenderness. In car accidents, the knee or other body parts will strike surfaces within the vehicle, like the dashboard or door. This direct trauma can lead to the development of deep, often painful, bruises.

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What is Compartment Syndrome?

Compartment syndrome is a dangerous condition where increased pressure within one of the body’s muscle compartments restricts blood flow. This can potentially damage muscles and nerves. Blunt trauma or fractures can lead to swelling or bleeding within these compartments, especially in the legs. If left untreated, this can result in permanent muscle or nerve damage and can even become life-threatening.

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