Hip Injury Car Accident Settlement Values and Facts

Key Points:

  • Despite safety measures like seat belts and airbags, hips are still vulnerable in car accidents due to their position.
  • Almost all types of car accidents can impact the hips.
  • There are a wide range of hip injuries that can come from a car accident, with hip fractures and dislocations being among the worst.

Common Car Accidents That Risk Hip Injuries

Despite the protection offered by seat belts, cushioned seats, and side airbags, your hips remain vulnerable in car accidents. The intense force during such incidents can put every part of the body at risk. Notably, the hips are positioned in a region that could be directly impacted by another vehicle. Common car accidents that pose a risk to the hips include:

  1. Rear-end Collisions: Especially if the person is jolted forward and then back again, potentially causing stress to the hip joints.
  2. T-bone or Side-impact Collisions: These accidents directly affect the side of the vehicle, which can lead to severe hip and pelvis injuries, especially on the side that’s hit.
  3. Frontal Collisions: The sudden stop or deceleration can cause the occupants to be thrown forward, causing possible strain or impact to the hips.
  4. Rollover Accidents: The car rolling can subject passengers to multiple forces and impacts, potentially damaging the hip.
  5. Side-swipes: When vehicles are traveling parallel and one impacts the side of the other, the lateral force can injure the hips, especially if the impact is near the door area.
  6. Pedestrian Accidents: If a vehicle strikes a pedestrian, depending on the speed and height of the impact, it can directly affect the hips.
  7. Bicycle Accidents: Cyclists, when hit by vehicles, often suffer from hip injuries due to the side impact and the height at which the vehicle makes contact.
  8. Motorcycle Accidents: Riders can be thrown from their bikes or pinned, potentially causing significant hip injuries.
  9. Multi-car pile-ups: Due to the chaos and multiple impact points in these accidents, a person can suffer hip injuries from various angles of impact.

Remember that the severity of hip injuries also depends on factors like speed at the time of the collision, the size and weight of the vehicles involved, and the safety features present in the vehicle.

Common Hip Injuries Resulting from Car Accidents

Fractures are among the most severe hip injuries seen post-accident. A break in the femur, near the hip joint, or in the pelvic region can result from the immense impact of a collision. Dislocations, where the head of the femur is forced out of its socket, are also not uncommon. Beyond fractures and dislocations, soft tissue injuries can occur, including strains, sprains, and contusions to the surrounding muscles and ligaments. Bruising, swelling, and pain are typical indicators of such injuries. It’s essential for anyone involved in a car accident to seek medical evaluation promptly, as timely intervention can make a significant difference in the recovery process and long-term outcomes.

Here’s a list of all of the possible hip injuries from a car accident along with their common treatments:

Hip Fractures

Description: This can include a break in the upper part of the femur (thigh bone) or within the pelvic bone.
Symptoms Include: Severe pain in the hip or groin. Inability to bear weight on the affected leg. Stiffness, bruising, and swelling in and around the hip area. Shortening or outward turning of the injured leg.
Treatment Options: Surgery is often required, followed by extended physical therapy and sometimes rehabilitation. Hospital stays, surgery, and the potential need for implants or prosthetics can escalate costs.
Estimated Time to Recovery: 3-6 months. Total functional recovery can take a year.
Estimated Cost: $20,000 to $35,000, but can exceed $50,000 with complications and extended rehabilitation.
Mobility: A person might be bedridden or require assistance walking, impacting their independence.
Rehabilitation: Extensive physical therapy may be needed, consuming a significant portion of their time.
Lifestyle: Daily activities, from personal care to house chores, can be severely limited.
Possible Pre-existing Condition: In some cases, especially among the elderly, there may be underlying osteoporosis or bone weakness that makes the hip more susceptible to fracture.
Specialists Who Treat This Injury: Orthopedic Surgeon, Radiologist, Physical Therapist, Pain Management Specialist

What is the Car Accident Settlement Value for a Hip Fracture?

Settlements for hip fractures can vary widely, typically ranging from $50,000 to $500,000. The amount depends on several factors, including the severity of the fracture – if it requires surgery or not, the time taken off work, and the recovery length and process. If the recovery is quick and there are no long-term life changes, the settlement is likely to be on the lower end of this range.

Hip Dislocation

Description: This occurs when the head of the femur is forced out of its socket in the pelvic bone.
Symptoms Include: Intense pain, inability to move the affected leg, the leg might appear shorter and twisted outwards.
Treatment Options: Depending on the severity, it may require surgery, especially if associated with fractures or if there are recurrent dislocations.
Estimated Time to Recovery: 3-6 months.
Estimated Cost: Without surgery: $5,000 to $10,000. With surgery and rehabilitation: $15,000 to $30,000.
Pain: Even after treatment, pain might persist during movement.
Mobility: A period of reduced mobility or the need for assistive devices like crutches.
Rehabilitation: Physical therapy sessions to regain strength and flexibility.
Rare as Pre-existing: While a previous dislocation can make the joint more prone to future dislocations, it’s generally not a “pre-existing” condition in the typical sense.
Specialists Who Treat This Injury: Radiologist, Pain Management Specialist, Physical Therapist

What is the Car Accident Settlement Value for a Hip Dislocation?

Settlements for hip dislocation resulting from car accidents can range from $25,000 to $100,000. The specific amount depends on various factors, including the severity of the dislocation, the duration of recovery, the extent of medical treatment required, and the impact on the victim’s daily life and ability to work. In cases where the dislocation heals relatively quickly with minimal long-term effects, the settlement is likely to be on the lower end of the range. However, if the injury leads to complications or significant lifestyle changes, the settlement amount could be higher.

Labral Tears

Description: The labrum is a ring of cartilage that surrounds the outside rim of the hip joint socket. A tear can cause pain and catching sensations in the hip.
Symptoms Include: Clicking or catching sensation in the hip. Stiffness. Pain in the hip or groin.
Treatment Options: Arthroscopic surgery might be necessary, followed by physical therapy.
Estimated Time to Recovery: Depends on the treatment chosen, but typically takes 3-6 months.
Estimated Cost: Arthroscopic surgery: $15,000 to $25,000.
Activity Limitations: Difficulty in activities that involve hip rotation, like sports.
Pain: Persistent pain or discomfort, particularly when moving the hip.
Rehab: Post-surgery recovery may demand regular physical therapy.
Possible Pre-existing Condition: These can result from sports injuries, structural abnormalities, or degenerative issues.
Specialists Who Treat This Injury: Arthroscopic Surgeon, Orthopedic Surgeon, Radiologist, Physical Therapist

What is the Car Accident Settlement Value for a Labral Tears?

Labral tear car accident settlements range anywhere from 40k to 80k.

Hip Pointer Injury

Description: This is a bruise or contusion to the iliac crest, the upper, outer part of the hip.
Symptoms Include: Sharp pain in the upper hip. Swelling and bruising. Tenderness to touch.
Treatment Options: Rest, ice, compression, and elevation (RICE) is typically recommended, with over-the-counter pain medications as needed.
Estimated Time to Recovery: 1-3 weeks.
Estimated Cost: Conservative treatment: $500 to $2,000.
Activity Limitation: A short period where one might need to avoid strenuous activities.
Discomfort: Sitting, walking, or lying on the affected side might be uncomfortable.
Not Typically Pre-existing: This is an acute injury usually resulting from direct trauma.
Specialists Who Treat This Injury: Occupational Therapist, Physical Therapist

Soft Tissue Injuries

Description: This can encompass: Strains: Overstretching or tearing of the muscles. Sprains: Injuries to the ligaments that hold the bones together. Contusions: Bruises caused by direct trauma.
Symptoms Include: Pain and tenderness. Swelling and bruising. Limited range motion.
Treatment Options: (minor strains and sprains): Often managed with rest, ice, compression, elevation, and over-the-counter pain medications.
Estimated Time to Recovery: 2 weeks if mild, 3-6 weeks if moderate, and several months if extreme.
Estimated Cost: $500 to $5,000 depending on the severity and treatments required.
Mobility Issues: Depending on severity, might experience limitations in movement.
Pain: Discomfort during certain activities or movements.
Possible Pre-existing Condition: People can have chronic or recurrent strains and sprains from various causes, including sports or other physical activities.
Specialists Who Treat This Injury: Physiatrist, Radiologist, Physical Therapist, Occupational Therapist


Description: This is inflammation of the bursa, a fluid-filled sac that cushions the hip joint. Direct trauma can lead to acute bursitis.
Symptoms Include: Joint pain and tenderness. Swelling and warmth over the hip. Stiffness after sitting or sleeping.
Treatment Options: Treatment might include anti-inflammatory medications, rest, and occasionally corticosteroid injections.
Estimated Time to Recovery: If acute it can last a couple weeks. If chronic it can last many months.
Estimated Cost: Initial diagnosis and treatment: $500 to $3,000. Recurring treatments or injections can increase costs.
Chronic Pain: Can result in persistent pain, particularly when lying on the affected hip or during prolonged sitting.
Activity Limitation: Might need to avoid activities that exacerbate the condition.
Possible Pre-existing Condition: Bursitis can be caused by repetitive use, prolonged pressure, rheumatoid arthritis, or other factors and might exist before a car accident.
Specialists Who Treat This Injury: Physical Therapist, Occupational Therapist

Hip Flexor Injury

Description: A strain or tear in the muscles at the front of the hip, which help lift the knee.
Symptoms Include: Sharp pain in the front of the hi. Swelling and tenderness. Difficulty lifting the knee.
Treatment Options: In milder cases, rest, physical therapy, and over-the-counter pain relief might be sufficient.
Estimated Time to Recovery: 1-3 weeks if mild, 4-8 weeks if severe.
Estimated Cost: $500 to $4,000 depending on the severity and if physical therapy is needed.
Mobility: Challenges in climbing stairs, running, or even walking.
Activity Limitation: A need to refrain from certain sports or exercises.
Possible Pre-existing Condition: Athletes, especially dancers or runners, might have had issues with their hip flexors before an accident.
Specialists Who Treat This Injury: Physical Therapist, Sports Medicine Specialist, Occupational Therapist

Pelvic Fractures

Description: While not exclusive to the hip, fractures of the pelvic ring or individual pelvic bones can affect hip function.
Symptoms Include: Pain in the groin, hip, or lower back. Abdominal pain. Bleeding (if associated with open fractures).
Treatment Options: These can be life-threatening and often require surgical intervention, particularly if there are associated internal injuries.
Estimated Time to Recovery: 3 to 6 months.
Estimated Cost: Without surgery, $10,000-$25,000. With surgery $25,000 to $100,000 or more.
Mobility Issues: Extended periods of reduced mobility, possibly needing assistive devices.
Lifestyle: Daily activities and personal care can be challenging and might require assistance.
Rehab: Extensive physical therapy and possible occupational therapy.
Not Typically Pre-existing: While there might be pre-existing weaknesses in the bone, an actual fracture is an acute event.
Specialists Who Treat This Injury: Arthroscopic Surgeon, Orthopedic Surgeon, Pain Management Specialist, Occupational Therapist


Description: Accumulation of blood within the tissues due to trauma, which can cause swelling and pain.
Symptoms Include: Swelling or lump. Pain and tenderness. Discoloration or bruising.
Treatment Option: Usually resolves on its own, though in some cases, drainage might be required.
Estimated Time to Recovery: A couple of weeks if minor, several months if severe.
Estimated Cost: $500 to $3,000. Surgical drainage can increase costs.
Discomfort: The affected area might be tender or painful.
Cosmetic Concerns: Possible scarring if surgical drainage is required.
Not Typically Pre-existing: This results from trauma and is not usually a pre-existing condition.
Specialists Who Treat This Injury: Physical Therapist, Chiropractor

Avulsion Fractures

Description: This occurs when a small piece of bone is torn away from the main part of the bone by a tendon or ligament.
Symptoms Include: Sudden, severe pain at the time of injury. Swelling and bruising. Difficulty moving the affected muscle.
Treatment Option: Depending on the extent of the injury, surgical intervention might be necessary.
Estimated Time to Recovery: 3-6 months.
Estimated Cost: Without surgery $3,000 to $7000, with surgery $10,000 to $20,000.
Activity Limitations: A hiatus from sports or activities that strain the affected muscles.
Rehab: Physical therapy sessions to promote healing and strength.
Not Typically Pre-existing: An avulsion fracture is typically the result of a sudden, forceful event.
Specialists Who Treat This Injury: Arthroscopic Surgeon, Orthopedic Surgeon, Pain Management Specialist, Physical Therapist

Post-Traumatic Arthritis

Description: Damage to the hip joint from the trauma of an accident can lead to arthritis in the affected joint over time.
Symptoms include: Joint pain or aching. Stiffness. Reduced range of motion. Swelling.
Treatment Option: Long-term management, including medications, physical therapy, and potential joint replacement surgeries, can make this a costly outcome.
Estimated Time to Recovery: Chronic. This can last a lifetime.
Estimated Cost: Ongoing treatments over time: Varies greatly, from $1,000 per year for mild cases to over $50,000 if joint replacements are needed.
Chronic Pain: Persistent joint pain that might limit activities.
Mobility Issues: Reduced range of motion in the hip.
Lifestyle: May need to make long-term lifestyle adjustments to manage the condition.
Possible Pre-existing Condition: Arthritis can be pre-existing, and trauma like a car accident can exacerbate it.
Specialists Who Treat This Injury: Rheumatologist, Physiatrist, Physical Therapist, Occupational Therapist

Nerve Injuries (Hip Area)

Description: Trauma can damage the nerves around the hip region, leading to pain, numbness, or weakness.
Symptoms Include: Pain or Numbness. Muscle weakness. Tingling or burning sensations.
Estimated Time to Recovery: A couple of weeks if minor. Several months if severe.
Estimated Cost: Varies widely based on the type and extent of nerve damage and treatments required. Costs can range from $1,000 for minor injuries to over $30,000 for severe injuries and surgeries.
Sensory Issues: Possible numbness, tingling, or pain in the affected area.
Mobility: Muscle weakness might affect walking or other movements.
Chronic Symptoms: Some nerve injuries may result in long-lasting or permanent symptoms.
Possible Pre-existing Condition: Issues like sciatica or other nerve impingements might exist prior to a car accident.
Specialists Who Treat This Injury: Neurologist, Pain Management Specialist, Physical Therapist, Chiropractor

Challenges That Come With Hip Injury Car Accident Legal Claims

Every car accident legal claim involving injuries presents challenges. It’s rare for our car accident attorneys to encounter a case without any obstacles. Here are some potential challenges you might face if your car accident led to a hip injury.

A Lack of Insurance Coverage

Many drivers only carry the minimum liability insurance required by the state of Georgia. In cases of serious hip injuries, which can require extensive treatment, rehabilitation, and result in long-term medical costs, these policy limits may be quickly exhausted. This leaves injured parties potentially facing significant out-of-pocket expenses.

Ideally, you should have UIM, also known as Underinsured Motorist coverage. This coverage will come into play if you exhaust the policy limits of the at-fault driver. Given that medical costs for injuries continue to rise while the state’s minimum insurance requirements remain unchanged, we strongly recommend all drivers in Georgia to secure Underinsured Motorist coverage.

The Defense Challenging a Pre-Existing Hip-Injury

With car accident legal claims involving hip injuries, one tactic frequently employed by insurance companies is to delve into the injured party’s medical history. Their objective is clear: to identify any pre-existing conditions related to the hip. By researching prior medical records, diagnoses, or treatments, the defense aims to argue that the accident did not cause the injury but merely exacerbated a pre-existing condition. This strategy often serves a dual purpose: to cast doubt on the plaintiff’s claims and to offer a lower settlement, thereby minimizing the insurer’s financial liability.

A Long Settlement Process

Expenses from a car accident can begin to accumulate within just a few weeks. While medical bills might take some time to arrive, the stress intensifies once they do. Hiring a lawyer can expedite the settlement process, though it may still span several months, particularly for hip injuries. It’s essential to remain patient and collaborate closely with your attorney as you navigate the incoming expenses.

Future Medical Expenses

Hip injuries, particularly severe ones, can persist for months or even years. This often leads to multiple specialist appointments that can be costly over time. A competent car accident lawyer will need to estimate the future medical expenses for these treatments and incorporate them into the settlement demand. Furthermore, they’ll be responsible for justifying these anticipated costs. Predicting future expenses can be challenging and might face disputes. Thus, engaging a skilled car accident lawyer is crucial to securing adequate compensation for these potential costs.

Common Questions about Hip Injury Legal Claims

How Much is a Georgia Hip Injury or Fracture Case Worth?

The value of a hip injury claim hinges not only on the expenses tied to past and future medical care but also on the severity of the injury and the trajectory of recovery. While there’s no such thing as a “minor” hip injury from the perspective of the victim, a case where the hip heals quickly and completely with medical expenses ranging from $5,000 to $10,000 might have a value of less than $30,000.

Cases involving hip injuries that necessitate injections and physical therapy might range in value from $20,000 to $100,000, contingent on the injury’s severity and the duration of recovery. More grave injuries, such as significant dislocations, fractures, or those requiring hip replacement surgeries, typically command values between $100,000 and $1,000,000. In these severe cases, the settlement’s worth may be influenced by the insurance coverage available and projected future care costs. For instance, individuals undergoing hip replacement might need subsequent surgeries, amplifying the compensatory damages they’re entitled to.

Several other factors also influence the value of a hip injury settlement or lawsuit. These include the clarity in establishing that the accident caused the injury, and any pre-existing conditions the victim might have had, like arthritis or a prior hip replacement.

Can Pre-Existing Conditions Hurt My Case?

In Georgia, the driver at fault, or any negligent party responsible for the accident, is accountable for the injuries sustained by other drivers and passengers. If someone’s negligence or recklessness leads to harm, the law generally supports the victim.

However, this doesn’t ensure that the insurance company representing the at-fault driver or negligent property owner will readily settle your claim. Pre-existing conditions, such as osteoporosis, that might have exacerbated your injury shouldn’t negatively affect your case. If your hip was intact before the accident and is now fractured or broken due to the crash, the blame isn’t yours.

Yet, other conditions, like arthritic changes, could make it more challenging to demonstrate that the accident caused your hip injury, especially if there isn’t significant visible damage on x-rays or MRIs post-accident.

It’s worth noting that Georgia law stipulates that an injured individual is to be considered in the state they were in at the time of the accident. This means that if a pre-existing condition worsened due to the crash, it can still be grounds for compensation.

Can a car accident result in a hip replacement procedure?

Yes, a car accident can indeed result in injuries severe enough to necessitate a hip replacement procedure. In high-impact collisions or specific types of crashes, the force exerted on the hip joint can lead to significant fractures or damage that is beyond repair through conservative treatments. When the hip joint is irreparably damaged, or when attempts to fix the injury fail to restore adequate function and alleviate pain, a hip replacement might be recommended by orthopedic surgeons. It’s essential to seek prompt medical attention after a car accident, especially if you experience persistent hip pain, as timely diagnosis and treatment can influence the long-term outcome and potential need for such surgeries. If you’ve had to undergo a hip replacement as a result of a car accident, you may be entitled to compensation for medical expenses, rehabilitation, pain and suffering, and other related damages.

Most At-Risk Car Accident Victims for Hip Injuries

Car accidents can indiscriminately affect individuals of all ages and backgrounds, but certain demographics and scenarios place some victims at a heightened risk for hip injuries. The elderly, due to their naturally weakened bone density and the onset of conditions like osteoporosis, are notably more susceptible to hip fractures and dislocations during vehicular collisions. Additionally, their longer recovery times and potential complications can make these injuries particularly severe.

Apart from age, factors like the position of the victim in the vehicle, the type of collision, and even seatbelt usage can influence the likelihood of a hip injury. For instance, side-impact (or T-bone) collisions often directly impact the hip region, making them a common cause for such injuries. Similarly, passengers seated on the side of the vehicle that’s hit may be at greater risk. It’s crucial for all passengers and drivers to be aware of these risks and take necessary precautions, like consistently using seatbelts and ensuring that vehicles are equipped with functioning side airbags.

When hip fractures happen in the elderly, they can complicate life and even bring on an early death in some patients. The American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons states that the impact of a fractured hip, especially in the case of older adults, can include these serious complications:

  • Higher rate of mortality,
  • Inability to maintain independence and prior living conditions
  • Increased need for care and supervision
  • Decreased quality of life
  • Compromised mobility
  • Greater risk for infections
  • Greater likelihood of blood clots as a result of limited mobility

An elderly individual involved in a car accident may face significantly higher medical bills than a young adult. Consequently, settlements for hip injuries can differ by age due to varying medical requirements.

Strategies Our Lawyers Use for Successful Hip Injury Claims

Evaluate the Details of Medical Reports and Feedback from Doctors

While our lawyers are not medical professionals, they excel at understanding insights from doctors about the severity and costs associated with hip injuries. Armed with this knowledge, we effectively convey the extent of the injury to insurance companies during the settlement process.

Gathering Crucial Evidence for Your Case

Evidence is essential to establish that you weren’t at fault, to demonstrate that the accident directly led to your injuries, and to verify the expenses associated with those injuries. Our legal team, comprising both paralegals and case managers, will diligently gather all necessary evidence to build a robust and compelling legal claim. This comprehensive approach enhances your prospects of a successful resolution for your hip injury case.

Communicating With the Auto Insurance Company

We can handle all of the communications with the auto insurance company to ensure that everything said will benefit your claim.

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